Archives and Records
The Diocese of North Queensland Archives and Research Centre was opened in April 2004. The Archives Canon was adopted by the 2004 Synod held in July. The Centre is currently open three days a week for both enquiries and public access. Hours between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm Wednesday to Friday. Closed public holidays and weekends.
Archivist – Tony Jelusic
Tony can be contacted by phoning (07) 4771 4175 - Option 4 or
Facilities & Services
General reference available. Research tasks undertaken – fee for service applies. Copying services for books, journals, original records to A3, newspapers, maps, photo collection and plans.
Advance notice of visit required with proof of identity. Closed period of 30 years applies to most records. Baptism and marriage registers closed for 70 years. Access to records not normally available for research may be gained on consideration of a written request to the Diocesan Bishop.
Acquisition Focus
The records of the Administration, Registry Office, Anglicare; Records of Parishes, Schools, Colleges and Institutions across North Queensland, Cape and Torres Strait Islands – [minutes, registers, correspondence, accounting books, plans, photographs, glass slides, church papers, histories and private clergy papers].
The Archives and Research Centre is located in St James Place, Level 1, 155-157 Denham Street, Townsville 4810.
Guidelines & Policies
Canon 37: The Archive Canon
Canon 37: The Archive Canon - Regulations 1 to 5

Professional Standards Information Sexual Abuse Line 1800 242 544 (landlines only) or 07 3835 2216